11.9 cm grey tooth of the megalodon with rock remains

11.9 cm grey tooth of the megalodon with rock remains

11.9 cm grey tooth of the megalodon with rock remains

The 11.9 cm tooth of Carcharocles megalodon has a broad, well-preserved brown bourelette. Remains of rock and shell still adhere to the lingual side. The enamel is grey-blue and patterned. The dentition is still recognisable in places.

Species:    Carcharocles Megalodon (Family: Otodontidae, Genius: Otodus)
Age:           ca. 3 – 20 million years old (Pliocene – early Miocene)
Location:  Coast Off North Carolina / USA
Weight:     199 g
Condition:100% genuine and natural, No repairs or restorations

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  • 169.00€
  • Ex Tax: 142.02€